The Desperate Reason Why I Need Ambient Music When Writing

The Desperate Reason Why I Need Ambient Music When Writing

Traffic noise is music to my ears sometimes.

That day my speaker broke down, leaving me to listen to parrot calls, screeching squirrels, and moaning cats. Yes, you’d say, far better than the noise of traffic, construction, or loud people.

True, who wants to listen to human noises all day? But I’m not getting any writing done with this neighborhood menagerie showing off. I am missing my ambient music.

And not for the reason you think.

When they start, I begin to imagine the conversations they are having or the stories they are sharing.

Are those parrots gossiping about a third? Are the squirrels shouting invitations — “Food found!” or threats, “Stay off my turf”?

One dog barks and the others in the vicinity immediately take it up in a relay sequence. “Mommy did not give me breakfast on time”, or “My tummy hurts. What to do?”

Now you see why I desperately need that ambient music when writing?

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