Customers bargain often? It may be your mistake. (And how to fix it).

Customers bargain often? It may be your mistake. (And how to fix it).

Small business owners often bear the brunt of pushy customers. The pettiness of it gets to us sometimes but dig deeper, and it may be our fault as well.

1. You have business competition.

There are multiple sellers in your product segment. Some of them are looking to make a killing.

2. Your products require low to no skills to create.

Perhaps products can be easily recreated and require skills that can be picked up easily.

3. Your product is an impulse buy.

Customers will not compromise on essentials — groceries, staples, and medicines. Sometimes even coveted items of clothing. They will not mind shelling out the asking price for these goods.

4. Your product does not meet the latest trends.

Using the best silk fabrics, you have created a fabulous pattern for a Salwar Kameez set. However, the fashion market has left you behind by moving on to the new trend in colors, patterns, and fit.

5. Your products do not follow market standards.

The home-based business is a fairly unregulated area. Sales often happen through word-of-mouth networks and a long-standing reputation. Market standards are unheard of or bent to suit the maker.

6. The perceived value of the product is different from your price.

Just like beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, value is in the eyes of the consumer. Forget need, want, or wish — people will only pay the value they perceive your product is worth.

Ok so far. Then how to deal with it?

Mimic some of these SMO behaviors to get bargaining leverage for your products.

1. Create hard-to-replicate items — uniquely your own.

The market should not be able to catch up for a few years until you’ve had a head start. Create a product that saves people time, is aspirational, and sets trends.

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